Post Travelling Murmurings
Now that I’m back though, it almost is quite hard to fit in again. I’m really glad to be back and to see everyone, but it’s very difficult to express what my time in Canada meant, even to Richard.
In many ways Canada was one of the most important, and probably the most fun episodes in my life, but in a way that’s difficult to adequately sum up in words. I went through such a huge range of emotions throughout my time, from the sheer joy and happiness of being there with so many people who I could truly call my friends, to some of the most difficult emotions I’ve had to deal with when I lost two friends. That’s why I’ve found it difficult to fit straight back in to my mind, as I know it can be boring when people go on and on about their travels, and so I’ve tried not to do this, instead just reducing the whole experience down to the phrase “Yeah, it was really fun”, or “It was an awesome time”. This, of course, is belittling the whole experience, but perhaps that doesn’t matter cos I know what it was like, and it really is a lit easier saying that than going into huge detail about it.
But it has been slightly difficult talking to people since I’ve been back in a way. As I’ve said before I’ve tried very hard not to go on and on about the last 9 months and the experiences I’ve had, and I have been slightly self conscious about not doing so. But it is hard, after all, no matter how regularly you see people, you normally chat about what your life has been like and what you’ve been doing since last time you met. Of course, in my case my entire life has been the collection of experiences in Canada, and that even if you have a more general chat about the state of affairs in the country, again I have no idea and can only talk about what was happening in Canada. I guess it’s my own fault for feeling self conscious about. Perhaps people are willing to listen to me chat about it, and do want to know more about what life was like, even in life was way more mundane than they might expect.
I guess it is quite easy to think that the life I’ve been leading is more exciting than it probably was. As I’ve told numerous people my life was still mostly going to work, enjoying the weekend and going out with friends for a few drinks every now and again. Of course it’s always going to look more glamorous when it’s just seen through carefully hand picked photos sent home, and some equally carefully chosen words written in the blog. In many ways it was just like life back here, just somewhere different. Again though, I think I’m belittling my experiences. It was normal life, but I think you can describe it as a very special normal life. I really am lucky to have been able to have done it.
I may have no money now, and desperately need a job, but the rest of my life can be spent chugging along if necessary. I have a feeling though that before too long, something, somewhere will be calling me to go away again. Perhaps another snowboarding adventure before my knee’s pack up? Who knows, but whatever happens, I’m sure it’ll be fun!