Welcome to Canadia

Following a year of preparation, I've finally made it to Canada! Greetings y'all

Sunday, January 08, 2006

The National Sport of Canada

I realise this title could have been used for the previous post as well, but I think this is closer to the truth.

I'm pretty sure that the real national sport is smoking weed. Everywhere you walk, if you take a deep breath, you're probably unsafe to drive for a while!

I've only been up the mountain 5 days, but already I can see that gett ing stoned b proxy is going to be pretty common. It seems to be the thing to use chair lift time to get high. It's ok if it's a nice day, and all the smoke can drift away. However, when the weathers bad, and you've got the bubble down on the lift, you can pretty much guarantee to be feeling pretty mellow by the time you start boarding down!

No wonder everyone's so happy all the time!


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