Another Year Down the Line

So I'm now writing this from the scarily wrong side of 27. Another few weeks have passed, the snow has receded even further up the mountain and the journey is metamorhpising again into a different phase.
We're well and truly into May now, a month where I would normally be thanking God for the Bank Holidays, perhaps braving the sometimes sunny but cold weather to head down the coast for some early beach fun!
However, this time it's been slightly different. The main event that's happened in the last couple of weeks has been my birthday. Due to the timing of this event it was a joint party, with my birthday being joined by a leaving party for Mel and a slightly early leaving do for Rich. It started off inauspiciously, with me and some of the gang being slightly late over dinner, which in turn meant that half way through dessert I had atext from people waiting outside my door wondering where I was! Cue a quick dash up to my house the party got started. Kind of. For a while there was just about 6 sober people sitting around listening to music. Eventually though the numbers begun to creep up, as the growing South African contingent turned up, followed eventually by a few extra lifties who turned up roundabouts 11. This was the sign for the party to really start, and after a particularly nasty dirty pint, I was ready to party! This meant general bouncing and throwing stuff around, shouting along to the music (Mostly Rage Against The Machine, System of a Down etc!) until roundabouts 4am! I dunno if any of the neighbours were in, but we didn't get visited by the Mounties, so I would guess probably not!
Anyway, the whole thing turned out to be a success, and became moderately famous amongst the lifties on the mountain! The best thing about it was that despite the large number of drinks I had I was completely hangover free the next morning! Yay - this meant that the coast was clear to have an afternoon of snowboarding with Rich. As well as being a birthday board, it was also mine and Rich's last board together. This poignant moment was marked with amazingly cold temperatures, some hail to the face, and a few cm's of fresh to play in! It was a really good sesh, with fun being had, lots of little jumps and spins, and a double black chute to top things off!
It was all rather surreal snowboarding on the first of May with so much snow still around, and with the snow falling at one point. But surreal in a good way. To make my birthday even better, as a special birthday treat, Sheany, who had arrived back in Canada a few days previously, cut her time in Vancouver short to head up and see me and Rich, arriving on the afternoon of the 1st. It was really great to see her again, and hugely appreciated as it meant her losing out on some of the days she'd paid for in the hostel.
The next few days were very good. We had a full house again, even if just for a short period of time. Since the party we'd had Case staying, waiting for his imminent move to Staff Housing, so once again there were four muskateers in the house (Hopefully no one from Alpine Elements is reading this!). The sun was shining, the weather was warm, and we proceeded to walk the entire valley trail over a few days, taking in the sun, water etc etc! This was the first time I'd done this, and it pointed out to me what a stunning place Whistler is, and I think it'll only get better with time. We spent one evening down on the beach at Lost Lake, with people playing frisbee, the still warm sun poking it's head over the surrounding mountains, the smell of bbq'd hanging in the air, and the sounds of chilled out beats, laughter and happiness all around! When the water gets a bit warmer it's going to be awesome down there.
All good things must come to an end though, and last weekend brought the end of the Norfolk duo conquering Canada. Rich had decided it was time to go home, although as he left the period of his absence from Whistler was still slightly in question. The plan seemed to be assess the situation in the UK, and then possibly come back to Canada in a month or so! Well, I wait with baited breath to see what the plan will be, but it sure is the end of an era!
Luckily I haven't been left on my own in the condo, which really would seem pretty strange. Case only moved out today, and Sheany is staying until the end, so I won't be lonely after all! Plus at the moment I am kind of seeing an 18 yr old cheerleader. Is this a sure sign of a mid life crisis? Who knows, but it's another one to cross off the list!
All is pretty good here though. Sad to see Rich head off, but I'll see him before too long. Plus I've got the master bedroom now! Life in the condo with Sheany (and until recently, Case) has been pretty good. The only thing I'm not too sure about is the whole dating thing, as I don't think being attached in Whistler here really suits me!
The snowboarding is still good however. I've had some good days, including last Monday which involved up to a foot of snow in places, and learning to grab my melons more securely off the park kickers. I'm still improving, still riding faster, and having more and more fun up on the slopes, which I reckon must be pretty good considering a big part of my job is actually to snowboard right now, which could have taken the shine off it.
The only downside at the mo is my future plans. Following further contact with my contacts, it seems that the entire arboricultural industry over here is going into meltdown and that no work will be available. I was advised to take up carpentry or driving excavators! This probably means I'll definately be staying in Whistler for a while until I come up with my next master plan!
I still have the same plans, but realise that I may have to do some more creative thinking to sort it all out!
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