Welcome to Canadia

Following a year of preparation, I've finally made it to Canada! Greetings y'all

Friday, January 20, 2006

Things Are Good

What a fine couple of days. Unfortunately we failed to make it out yesterday. I feel almost ashamed. However there was a very good reason - we were all amazingly hung over. My last entry was done at about 3am after god knows how much beer, and our honest intention was to have a day riding and teaching Chris. Hell hath no fury like a bottle of beer or 20 drunk, and so trying to get up at 8am a couple of hours later was never going to happen. Cue, a very long day in the chalet. What made it worse that it was actually clear up the mountain, and once again there was some sun. Once again we missed out on it.

Nevermind though cos it's all been made up for with a damn fine day. Clearish sky's, at least until now (the next storm is rolling in!). Firstly Chris got on a snowboard. And did bloody well and is now linking turns after only a few hours. The problem is he wants me on skis now - never going to happen!Secondly, thanks to the slightly slower pace of today I managed to teach myself how to ride switch. Added to that lots of fun doing little jumps and drops off the edge of the piste, and also having one of the funnest lunches so far, it's all been pretty good. I'm feeling pretty good about myself, my riding's coming on and it's peaches and cream.

More snow coming in tonight, so perhaps lets roll on a powder day!


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