Getting Back Into the Whistler Swing of Things

Firstly, as a follow on to the last post 1- I was slightly merry when I wrote that so am slightly embarassed by it all! 2-God damn women - she stood me up! Grrrrr!
Anyway enough of that, it's been a good couple of days getting back into the swing of things here in Whistler. It makes such a nice change to be able to ride for as long or as short as you want to, without having to worry whether you're getting value for money from the lift ticket or not! Plus, we're currently managing to fluke free accomodation at the moment, all of which helps!
My riding is really coming along. I know I can't do half the tricks that Rich can do on his board, but my confidence is really coming on strong, and on every piste I'm just constantly looking around to see what little things I can jump, or where I can do a little drop off the side, or slash the lip of bank, kind of surfy style! In a word, it's all fun!
Todays been a pretty good day. Started off by actually seeing a live football match (sorry, soccer!) which made a change. Then this afternoon the band Simple Plan gave a free concert, followed by a competition up in the night pipe which was cool!
Plus, it's snowing, so once the weekends over, it should be pretty cool!
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